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Simply Committed This project encourages commitment to a specific sustainable behavior change In Progress 12/21/2015
Slugware - A Reusable Dishware Program The goal of Slugware is to help propel our efforts to reach UCSC’s goal of zero waste by 2020. Completed 02/09/2016
Smart Wireless Gas Meter The objective is to design a prototype system that will enable the UCSC Energy Department to wirelessly collect data from the gas meters. In Progress 05/07/2018
Solar Energy Allocation System- Engineers Without Borders UCSC Chapter This project aims for Engineers Without Borders-UCSC to develop a solar power package in the UCSC Arboretum. In Progress 01/15/2020
Solar Powered Mobile Recharging Station This project focuses on designing and building of a battery recharging station powered by solar photovoltaic panels. In Progress 02/24/2016
Solvent Purification System for Physical Sciences Funding to refurbish a solvent purification system housed in the Physical and Biological Sciences Building. In Progress 05/13/2019
Staff E-Bike Rental Program A pilot program to purchase 1 e-bike for staff use on University business. Demand will be tracked & the program expanded as need arises. In Progress 05/05/2019
STARS A project that looks into all aspects of campus operations and rates UCSC according to a point scale of sustainability. Completed 09/04/2015
Stevenson Demonstration Garden Stevenson Demonstration Garden serves to educate students on sustainable gardening including events and conversations about social justice. In Progress 01/28/2022
Stevenson Garden Intern Handbook The goal of this project was to create a handbook for future interns of the Stevenson Garden Completed 08/07/2015
Stevenson Hand Towel Project Transition students to using their own hand towel instead of relying on single use towels. Completed 08/07/2015
Student Education Toward Fresh, Nutritious Food Production Through Increased Composting Efficiency Our project aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by collecting food waste and using it to produce compost for our garden. In Progress 03/02/2020
Students for Organic Solutions To spread the word on how our current food systems impact different aspects of culture and society. Proposed 02/15/2018
Supporting year long food justice and science education development in Calabasas Elementary Community Garden Our project will build a Greenhouse and renew the whole irrigation system for the Calabasas Community Garden. In Progress 06/12/2019
Surplus Store Revitalization and Promotion The surplus store is aiming to better promote our new systems and divert equipment waste from various departments In Progress 05/09/2019
