Title Summary Category Statussort descending Updated
Rainwater Catchment System at Natural Bridges Green Career Center Promoting and completing the rainwater catchment system at Natural Bridges Green Career Center (NBGCC) Proposed 09/04/2015
EV Charging Station Analysis of data from EV charging stations in Santa Cruz County and Monterey County. Proposed 09/04/2015
Rainwater Harvesting The Rain Harvester Organization supports the use of rain water to reduce potable water demand Proposed 07/23/2015
Bus Tracking System 2.0 the Bus Tracking System 2.0 will provide campus transit riders the ability to track Campus Day and Night Shuttles in real time. Proposed 09/04/2015
Oceanic Scales Inspired by the microorganisms of the sea, visitors to Oceanic Scales will explore their role in maintaining a stable ocean ecology. Proposed 09/04/2015
YLITES (Youths Leading Innovation in Technology Energy and Sustainability) YLITES-Youths Leading Innovation in Technolgy Energy and Sustainability. An IDEASS project at Watsonville High School. Proposed 12/27/2017
Lead Propagator Enhanceing restoration efforts on the coastal prairie land on the marine campus and the Younger Lagoon Reserve. Proposed 09/04/2015
Thimann Water Fountains Science Hill is lacking appropriate resources for water fountains. Thimann labs, where most labs are held needs a critical water renovation. Proposed 11/02/2017
Plastic Sucks: Plastic-Waste-Free Campus UC has set a Zero Waste goal for 2020. We aren't on target to meet this goal. This project goes after plastic. 1st step: Stop consuming it. Proposed 04/03/2019
UCSC Carbon Fund Program Recreating UCSC as an operationally carbon neutral campus by 2020 Proposed 08/07/2015
