Title Summary Category Statussort descending Updated
Rainwater Harvesting The Rain Harvester Organization supports the use of rain water to reduce potable water demand Proposed 07/23/2015
Bus Tracking System 2.0 the Bus Tracking System 2.0 will provide campus transit riders the ability to track Campus Day and Night Shuttles in real time. Proposed 09/04/2015
Oceanic Scales Inspired by the microorganisms of the sea, visitors to Oceanic Scales will explore their role in maintaining a stable ocean ecology. Proposed 09/04/2015
YLITES (Youths Leading Innovation in Technology Energy and Sustainability) YLITES-Youths Leading Innovation in Technolgy Energy and Sustainability. An IDEASS project at Watsonville High School. Proposed 12/27/2017
Thimann Water Fountains Science Hill is lacking appropriate resources for water fountains. Thimann labs, where most labs are held needs a critical water renovation. Proposed 11/02/2017
Lead Propagator Enhanceing restoration efforts on the coastal prairie land on the marine campus and the Younger Lagoon Reserve. Proposed 09/04/2015
Plastic Sucks: Plastic-Waste-Free Campus UC has set a Zero Waste goal for 2020. We aren't on target to meet this goal. This project goes after plastic. 1st step: Stop consuming it. Proposed 04/03/2019
Sustainable Supply Chain Engagement Benchmarking and displaying suppliers carbon emissions, waste, and policies anonymously to spur competition to more sustainable practices. Proposed 06/03/2018
UCSC Carbon Fund Program Recreating UCSC as an operationally carbon neutral campus by 2020 Proposed 08/07/2015
Installing Dual Flusher Systems in Media Theater Installing Dual Flusher Systems in Media Theater Proposed 09/04/2015
