Title Summary Category Statussort descending Updated
Fog Water Collection for Critical Irrigation Needs at the UCSC Farm We will collect water from fog at the UCSC organic farm for irrigation of fruit trees impacted by severe drought. In Progress 01/31/2022
Common Ground Center Events, Media and Promotions I oversaw outreach and event planning in relation to topics revolving around social and environmental justice. In Progress 12/22/2015
Physical Sciences Building Acetone Recycler Installation of an acetone recycling system to reduce solvent waste, greenhouse gas emissions, and waste of research funding. In Progress 02/02/2022
Digital Storytelling: Outreach and Education Program with Natural Bridges Green Career Center High School students at the Natural Bridges Green Carrer Center (NBGCC) will be involved in gathering digital materials for these narratives In Progress 09/04/2015
Central Coast Urban Gardens The project studies water use in urban community gardens to increase and promote water conservation in urban agriculture. In Progress 03/08/2017
RESPECT: Renewable energy storage pilot experiment & charge testing This is a pilot project to develop a demonstration energy storage bank for eventual large-scale campus PV systems In Progress 01/24/2018
Program in Community and Agroecology (PICA) Outreach Coordinator The Outreach Coordinator is responsible for organizing all promotional aspects for PICA's quarterly sustainable living workshops. In Progress 12/22/2015
Quantifying Urban Tree Canopy in the City of Santa Cruz This project uses high resolution aerial imagery and advanced remote sensing techniques to accurately map the change in urban tree canopy. In Progress 04/19/2017
Rainwater Harvesting at the Arboretum Rainwater Harvesting at the Arboretum is a senior exit project that works to decrease the Arboretums demand on potable water. In Progress 01/24/2018
IDEASS-Rainwater Catchment Developemnt Our goal is to increase stormwater capture and retention in Santa Cruz through the use of low impact development (LID) projects to reduce r In Progress 06/10/2018
