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Title Summary Categories Statussort descending Updated
Santa Cruz County Bicycle and Pedestrian Counting Project Organizing bicycle and pedestrian counts alongside motor vehicle counts at ten locations across Santa Cruz County. Completed 08/07/2015
Bicycle planning seminar Through a new Bicycle Planning class, students designed projects to analyze and improve bicycle facilities on campus and in the city. Completed 06/02/2020
Addressing Supplier Sustainability The project highlights the tools created for benchmarking the sustainability and supply chain behavior of UCSC suppliers. Completed 12/22/2015
PICA's Cob Oven Workshop On November 16, 2012 PICA taught UCSC students about building with cob and other natural materials Completed 12/27/2014
Agroecology Activity Guides & Sustainable Food Systems On-Farm Experiential Learning for High School and College Students On-Farm Experimental Learning for high school and college students project is my focus for the Provosts Sustainability Internship program. Completed 09/04/2015
Emissions-free Transportation to Fort Ord We used a carbon fund grant to purchase an electric vehicle to transport student interns to UCSC Fort Ord Natural Reserve. Completed 12/11/2019
PICA's Bread and Goat Cheese Workshop students learned how to make Foccocia bread and (feta and ricotta) goat cheese in the F-quad kitchen in the village. Completed 12/27/2014
EPP Office Supply Catalog To create a user-friendly catalog for Environmentally Preferred (EPP) office supplies within the UCSC purchasing tool, CruzBuy. Completed 09/04/2015
TDM Ambassador The TDM Ambassador would do outreach for TAPS alternative transportation programs to affiliates to create shifts away from solo driving . Completed 07/20/2021
UCSC Green Building Checklist The UCSC Green building checklist assists project managers in in better incorporating sustainable design practices into all campus projects Completed 12/22/2015
PICA's Wild Edible Pant Identification Workshop UCSC students were welcomed to meet at PICA on November 11, 2012 to learn how to identify local, wild edible plants. Completed 12/27/2014
Mercury Thermometer Exchange Program This program is intended to remove as much mercury as possible from laboratories and get it into the hands of EH&S for proper disposal. Completed 09/04/2015
North American Regional Conference of Right Livelihood Laureates, May 15-20 at UCSC Conference to promote social justice and sustainability. Kresge's Common Ground Center is the North American "Right Livelihood College." In Progress 08/20/2018
Program in Community and Agroecology (PICA) Outreach Coordinator The Outreach Coordinator is responsible for organizing all promotional aspects for PICA's quarterly sustainable living workshops. In Progress 12/22/2015
Recreational Land Use Management Plan for the Campus’s Natural Lands Create a sustainable trail network taking into account cultural resources, research, education, sensitive species, erosion and human access In Progress 12/19/2019
