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Title Summary Categories Statussort descending Updated
Wellness Center Rainwater Harvesting This project consists of a rainwater catchment system that will serve as the primary water source for toilet use at the Wellness Center. Completed 09/04/2015
Emissions-free transportation for student research All-electric vehicle for student transportation to Ano Nuevo Reserve for research, teaching, and outreach activities Completed 06/12/2019
Compost Water Heater The purpose of this project is to demonstrate the ability to heat water with a compost pile. Completed 09/04/2015
YLITES-Youths Leading Innovation in Technolgy Energy and Sustainability. An IDEASS project at Watsonville High School. YLITES-Youths Leading Innovation in Technolgy Energy and Sustainability. An IDEASS project at Watsonville High School. Completed 08/07/2015
Dorm Audits and Dorm Building Improvements The Sustainable Living Spaces Audit Program is a student-led audit of residential buildings on campus Completed 12/24/2014
UCSC Transit EV Feasibility An 18-month feasibility study of converting the campus shuttle and vanpool system to electric vehicles charged by a solar PV system. Completed 01/15/2020
Common Ground Center Events and Outreach I did outreach and coordinated / hosted events that promoted social and environmental justice and change. Completed 06/09/2016
Bicycle Transit Planning Team Variety of projects designed to increase bicycle ridership in Santa Cruz Completed 08/06/2015
Stevenson Hand Towel Project Transition students to using their own hand towel instead of relying on single use towels. Completed 08/07/2015
Financial Affairs Year In Waste Programming To execute waste reduction activities through educational workshops, equipment, and division wide events. Completed 12/23/2014
Rooftop Garden Feasibility Test Researching the feasibility of creating a rooftop garden on Humanities 1 through building connections on and off campus and general research Completed 06/11/2016
Closed Loop Composting Systems The establishment of a closed loop composting system between the Stevenson Coffee House and Stevenson Garden. Completed 09/04/2015
2018 Right Livelihood Conference Campus sustainability plan funds were used to help make the event zero waste. Completed 07/25/2018
Growing Sustainability at the UCSC Arboretum This project focused on: Composting Pilot Program between the Arboretum & PICA, Sustainability Education, and Zero Waste Event Planning Completed 02/08/2017
Santa Cruz Wharf EV Charging Station Project The overall purpose of this project is to install a plug-in electric vehicle charging station on the Santa Cruz Municipal Wharf. Completed 09/04/2015
