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Titlesort descending Summary Categories Status Updated
Improving Underrepresented Participation in Sustainability Research We aim to eliminate financial barriers and form connections between motivated undergraduates and graduate researchers In Progress 08/05/2019
Incubator Replacement Program Replace old campus incubators with new, more efficient models In Progress 06/02/2020
Library Waste Assessment The goal of this project was to bring UCSC’s McHenry Library as close to being a zero waste facility as possible. Completed 09/04/2015
Life-Cycle Cost Analysis Tool A tool that can calculate an estimated life-cycle cost of products that are purchased yearly on the UC Santa Cruz campus. Completed 09/04/2015
Make SVC Green Fellow will be at Scotts Valley Center.Fellow will identify, research, and implement high impact measures to reduce recycling contamination In Progress 12/19/2019
Meatless Monday One dining hall a week will offers one day without meat during any of the meals. In Progress 09/04/2015
Mercury Thermometer Exchange Program This program is intended to remove as much mercury as possible from laboratories and get it into the hands of EH&S for proper disposal. Completed 09/04/2015
Microgrid Development & Energy User Behavior Development of a next generation distributed microgrid, located in a residential neighborhood near UCSC. In Progress 12/22/2015
Monterey Bay Carbon Fund—Solar For Schools Initiative The goal of the proposed project is to catalyze the next phase of MBCF Solar for Schools installations In Progress 01/15/2020
Myceliall Solutions Mycoremediation Pollution Solutions. Formerly known as Toadstool Composting. In Progress 08/10/2021
No-Till Farming Transplanter This project will support the implementation and research of novel NT practices in organic (OG) systems on the CASFS farm. In Progress 09/28/2021
North American Regional Conference of Right Livelihood Laureates, May 15-20 at UCSC Conference to promote social justice and sustainability. Kresge's Common Ground Center is the North American "Right Livelihood College." In Progress 08/20/2018
Organic Waste Digester Replace current composting process at one dining hall by installing a bio digester, converting the waste to energy at the City's treatment In Progress 06/14/2021
Outdoor Etiquette and Recreation Guide The goal of this project is to educate students about sustainable recreation, and how their actions can prevent habitat degradation. Completed 08/07/2015
Owl's Nest Zero Waste Restaurant The goal of this project is to reduce the amount of landfill waste coming out of Owl’s Nest, a restaurant at Kresge College. Completed 09/04/2015
