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Title Summary Categories Status Updated
FarmFuture (2022-2023) proposal continuation and improvement project This proposal will expand on equipment installed to collect and use water from aquaculture research activities at the Center for Agroecology In Progress 10/08/2024
Trial of Solar-Powered Public Waste Container System The Big Belly solar-powered outdoor waste containers will be tested to evaluate saving labor, energy, improving recycling and cleanliness. In Progress 10/08/2024
Solar power for teaching and research use on the Natural Reserves Purchase solar panels and associated equipment to provide off the grid electricity to students and researchers. In Progress 10/08/2024
Storm Water Outreach The goal of the project was to increase education and outreach to the UCSC community on storm water practices and knowledge. In Progress 10/08/2024
Cal Teach E-Bike Cal Teach students will reduce their carbon footprint by commuting via e-bike to internships in Santa Cruz County classrooms. In Progress 06/06/2022
West Research Park (WRP) Bike Room Upgrade The “WRP bike room upgrade project” includes the renovation & installation of new infrastructures in the existing Storage Bike Rm (C144c). Completed 02/14/2022
Energy efficient oil free vacuum pumps for the UCSC Stable Isotope Laboratory This project will replace old energy intensive oil pumps with efficient oil-free pumps, saving energy and prolonging equipment life. In Progress 02/02/2022
Physical Sciences Building Acetone Recycler Installation of an acetone recycling system to reduce solvent waste, greenhouse gas emissions, and waste of research funding. In Progress 02/02/2022
Fog Water Collection for Critical Irrigation Needs at the UCSC Farm We will collect water from fog at the UCSC organic farm for irrigation of fruit trees impacted by severe drought. In Progress 01/31/2022
Stevenson Demonstration Garden Stevenson Demonstration Garden serves to educate students on sustainable gardening including events and conversations about social justice. In Progress 01/28/2022
CBB faucet fixture replacement We want to replace 6 faucets in the CBB restrooms with a touchless more efficient model to conserve water & limit battery replacement. Proposed 10/13/2021
No-Till Farming Transplanter This project will support the implementation and research of novel NT practices in organic (OG) systems on the CASFS farm. In Progress 09/28/2021
Myceliall Solutions Mycoremediation Pollution Solutions. Formerly known as Toadstool Composting. In Progress 08/10/2021
Healthy Beverage Initiative: Hydration Station installation Adding gooseneck hydration stations to existing water fountains across campus In Progress 08/10/2021
TDM Ambassador The TDM Ambassador would do outreach for TAPS alternative transportation programs to affiliates to create shifts away from solo driving . Completed 07/20/2021
