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Title Summary Categories Statussort descending Updated
PICA's Sprouting Workshop On May 25th, PICA invited students to learn about sprouting, make their own sprout kits, and eat sprout salad. Completed 12/27/2014
Bicycle Commuting Workshops People Power plans to host a series of bicycle commuting workshops to be held March through July of 2014. Completed 12/18/2014
CHES Sustainability Assessment Through extensive research and interviewing, I have produced a final document summarizing sustainability efforts going on in CHES. Completed 09/04/2015
Pedaling Towards Sustainable Stewardship Rrestoreing 47 acres of former agricultural land to native grassland, scrub and seasonal wetland habitats over a 20-year period. Completed 09/04/2015
Stevenson Garden Intern Handbook The goal of this project was to create a handbook for future interns of the Stevenson Garden Completed 08/07/2015
Owl's Nest Zero Waste Restaurant The goal of this project is to reduce the amount of landfill waste coming out of Owl’s Nest, a restaurant at Kresge College. Completed 09/04/2015
Wellness Center Rainwater Harvesting This project consists of a rainwater catchment system that will serve as the primary water source for toilet use at the Wellness Center. Completed 09/04/2015
Replacement of Biology Teaching Lab’s old, energy-inefficient freezers and refrigerators Replace aging, energy-inefficient freezer and refrigeration units in the Biology Teaching Laboratories. Completed 08/05/2019
Compost Water Heater The purpose of this project is to demonstrate the ability to heat water with a compost pile. Completed 09/04/2015
YLITES-Youths Leading Innovation in Technolgy Energy and Sustainability. An IDEASS project at Watsonville High School. YLITES-Youths Leading Innovation in Technolgy Energy and Sustainability. An IDEASS project at Watsonville High School. Completed 08/07/2015
Dorm Audits and Dorm Building Improvements The Sustainable Living Spaces Audit Program is a student-led audit of residential buildings on campus Completed 12/24/2014
UCSC Transit EV Feasibility An 18-month feasibility study of converting the campus shuttle and vanpool system to electric vehicles charged by a solar PV system. Completed 01/15/2020
Bicycle Transit Planning Team Variety of projects designed to increase bicycle ridership in Santa Cruz Completed 08/06/2015
Stevenson Hand Towel Project Transition students to using their own hand towel instead of relying on single use towels. Completed 08/07/2015
Financial Affairs Year In Waste Programming To execute waste reduction activities through educational workshops, equipment, and division wide events. Completed 12/23/2014
