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Title Summary Categories Status Updatedsort descending
Energy Dashboard and Behavior Change Educate dorm residents about how to reduce their energy consumption, specifically carbon emissions, on campus through a mobile application. Completed 08/07/2015
Central Coast Energy Services A survey aimed at understanding the behavior, beliefs and demographics of the particpants of Central Coast Energy Services (CCES) program. Completed 08/07/2015
Santa Cruz County Bicycle and Pedestrian Counting Project Organizing bicycle and pedestrian counts alongside motor vehicle counts at ten locations across Santa Cruz County. Completed 08/07/2015
Crown Waste Reduction As UCSC's ultimate goal of zero waste by 2020 nears, Crown College started to get the ball rolling. Completed 08/07/2015
Diving into Sustainable Seafood Efforts on the UC Santa Cruz Campus This project focuses on contributing to the efforts of the Real Food Challenge (RFC) commitment. Completed 08/07/2015
Outdoor Etiquette and Recreation Guide The goal of this project is to educate students about sustainable recreation, and how their actions can prevent habitat degradation. Completed 08/07/2015
The Greenwashing Training Tool Goes Viral A training program aimed at identifying greenwashing methods and greener purchasing strategies. Completed 08/07/2015
Waste Reduction College 9 &10 To find new ways to reduce waste at Colleges 9 &10 Completed 08/07/2015
Campus Garden Assessment To steward the development and ongoing support of campus gardens. Completed 09/04/2015
Graduate Student Commons Lighting Retrofit Address security and inefficiency issues related to lighting at the Graduate Student Commons Completed 09/04/2015
Santa Cruz Wharf EV Charging Station Project The overall purpose of this project is to install a plug-in electric vehicle charging station on the Santa Cruz Municipal Wharf. Completed 09/04/2015
Meatless Monday One dining hall a week will offers one day without meat during any of the meals. In Progress 09/04/2015
Wellness Center Rainwater Harvesting This project consists of a rainwater catchment system that will serve as the primary water source for toilet use at the Wellness Center. Completed 09/04/2015
Compost Water Heater The purpose of this project is to demonstrate the ability to heat water with a compost pile. Completed 09/04/2015
Financial Affairs Zero Waste To reduce waste and promote sustainable practices in their office, and set a goal to divert waste by ten percent by the end of the school ye Completed 09/04/2015
